Punishment for the accused in the benami business case

benami business in saudi arabia

 Riyadh - A Saudi national and a Syrian man have been convicted by a Riyadh criminal court in a benami business case, the Commerce Ministry said. Haif bin Abdul Kareem Al Muttairi, a Saudi national, and Khalid bin Abdul Wahab Al Al Qash, a Syrian national, were sentenced to death. The Syrian man was running his own contracting firm in Majma, Riyadh province, with the help of a Saudi citizen. 

Both were fined by the court. The benami company has been ordered to close and revoke its license and commercial registration. The Saudi citizen has also been banned from starting new companies in the same area. The court also ordered that legal zakat, taxes and fees be levied on the accused. The Syrian will be deported after completing his sentence. He has been barred from entering the country again on a new work visa for life. The court also ordered that the names of the offenders and their punishment be published in the newspapers at the expense of both. 
One of the Saudi nationals informed the Ministry of Commerce that he suspected that the contracting firm operating in Majma was a benami firm. An inspection by Commerce Ministry officials later found evidence that the company was run by a Syrian man on his own. After completing the preliminary investigation, the Commerce Ministry later referred the case to the Public Prosecution for legal action. 

The cabinet recently passed a new law that provides for imprisonment for up to five years and a fine of up to 50 lakh riyals for benami business people. The law also allows those who provide information about benami businesses to be rewarded with up to 30 percent of the fines levied on violators. Complaints about benami businesses can be made to the Ministry of Commerce through the app launched by the Ministry of Commerce and through the Ministry's website on 1900. 


  1. Dear kigdom of saudiarabia, i woud like to inform you regarding a person doing illegal benami hardware and materials business with the help of a saudi citizen more than 20 years.the shop name is Al Ajmi Group. shop located @riyadh Exit-17-old sanayya-shara rail road from batha. He doing trading business and 2 retail shops. Businessman name 'saleem kalakkara',his mobile number:00966 554917712 he doing more than 20 years in this illegal business and other 2 retail shops allso same way.and you are the kingdom of the saudia arabia suffering and going under financial crisis with this illegal business.and this kind people make money send to his nation rich.so careful make a action against this kind of criminals.

  2. Assalamu Alaikum, I am telling you about a person who has been living here for 25 years and has eighteen to twenty boys working for him, including myself.18 to 20 boys work on the shop called Shimlan Taylor in front of Riaz Badi Focus No. 26 metro station.In which I am also present, it calls people from Pakistan and keeps their passports and makes them work and does not even let them go out.He earns millions of rupees and sends them to Pakistan and the workers are kept twelve hundred and fourteen hundred riyals and he also misbehaves and does not pay on time.No man is legal except a manThere is a factory built on top of Shimlan Taylor in front of Riyaz Folk No. 26 metro station, all the boys live there.
